Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Efficient Markets Hypothesis(Financial Economics) Essay

Proficient Markets Hypothesis(Financial Economics) - Essay Example The irregular development contention of frail type of productivity may not be legitimate contention as examination contemplates have plainly plot a positive relationship between's level of tending saw in costs just as the timeframe. This along these lines unmistakably traces that the costs don't follow an irregular way but instead show certain patterns. It is in any case, basic to take note of that these period are not generally long yet inclines do develop over certain timeframe. Conduct financial experts contend that business sectors are defective due to the social and intellectual predispositions. Defects in the market develop because of these psychological practices and as such markets may not proficiently work. These psychological inclinations rise because of carelessness, data and portrayal predisposition and other human mistakes result into blunders in decisions. These inclinations and human mistake doesn't permit financial specialists to esteem the stocks appropriately and thusly, markets show wastefulness. These blunders frequently result into speculators purchasing the development stocks and overlooking worth stocks and the individuals who can reason effectively can benefit out of this circumstance and subsequently can beat the market without any problem. Studies directed on the Indian Stock Exchange diagrams the feeble type of wastefulness and proposed that the costs really don't follow irregular costs. Different neighborhood concentrates in the creating nations have reliably indicated similar outcomes that the business sectors are feeble structure wasteful at any rate in the nearby creating markets. These examinations have unmistakably demonstrated that the business sectors may not be productive in any type of effectiveness. These contentions have likewise been upheld by other observational investigations demonstrating that even the solid type of productivity doesn't exist. Stocks having low P/E proportions will in general give better yields and in this manner can permit speculators to gain irregular returns whenever picked astutely. Financial specialists building up their investigations dependent on picking the stocks on P/E proportion can beat the market. It

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dbq on Causes and Effect of the Crusades and Word Wars free essay sample

There are Economic, Political Social reasons that caused the Crusades the World Wars to happen. These wars had various results; both anticipated startling ones. Seljuk turks (Muslims) attacked the Byzantine Empire vanquished Palestine. The Byzantine Emperor asked pope Urban 2 to help pursue the Muslims out get back the Holy Land (Palestine) in the year 1095. The Pope concurred, delivering a discourse in the Council of Clemont calling all Christians also participate in a Crusade. A Crusade is a military excursion for a strict reason. The principal Crusade began in the year 1096. Monetarily, the Crusaders went on this excursion so as to pick up the place that is known for Jerusalem from the Muslims (doc. 1). Land was their riches. Socially, the knights went in light of the fact that there was a general fretfulness noticeable all around so they went for the experience. The serfs went due to their craving to split away from manoralism. Manoralism is the framework that existed during feudalism. Politically insightful, the pope needed also increment his capacity in Europe. A normal result of the campaigns was the Muslim control of Jerusalem (doc. Other expected results are; the loss of European impact in the Middle East, the development of Muslim force in the Middle East past, a strict disdain between Christians Muslims. The predominance of Muslim culture in the Middle East is another effect that was expectedas an increase for the victors. Theres were numerous startling results/effects of the campaigns. A startling result was the military disappointment for the west (doc. 2). A sudden tragic result was that the Crusaders decimated numerous Jewish people group. The most significant effect is the expanded exchange that came about because of the contact between Christian Europe and the Islamic Empire. Returning crusaders brought back new flavors, nourishments, scents, textures and thoughts. This expansion of exchange between spots of contrasting societies is a case of social dissemination. Social dissemination is them spread of culture from one territory excessively another. Social dissemination happened in them Holy Land (Palestine) between Europeans, Muslims, Asian brokers. Exchange was set up between the Islamic world and different Italian states, generally significant among them, the city-territory of Venice. This exchange was commonly useful, flooding the Islamic markets with another wellspring of riches, while bringing such ponders as sugar, cotton, and rice into western Europe. This started the resurgence of Europe. The Cruusades further debilitated the arrangement of feudalism, as cash turned out to be more important than land. The reasons for World War 1 were Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism Nationalism (doc. 3). Militarism is the glorification of military force. There were arms races, which was an opposition between Germany Great Britain. The arrangement of Alliances happened when nations consolidated for insurance. The two collusions framed were the Triple Alliance (France, Great Britain Russia) the Triple Entente (Germany, Italy Austria-Hungary). There were strains between France Germany over the government of provinces in Africa. Patriotism is a feeling of pride in ones nation. Germany has quite recently as of late got joined together. France has another republic called the Third Republic they need to get back the grounds of Alsace Lorraine from Germany. Furthermore, there was an Economic Rivalry between Germany Great Britain over whos coming out on top. The flash that began the war was the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was shot by Gavrilo Princip on June. 28, 1914. Austria-Hungary pronounced war on Serbia, and a chain response of war announcements spread all through Europe. This was primarily because of the nationalistic development of Pan-Slavism that was ascending among Russia and Serbia which are Slavic countries. This occasion and the pressure between Europe that set off affirmations of war and brought about the Great War. Expected results for the champs was the granting of the coal mineshafts in Saar Basin from Germany to France (doc. Germany was seen as blameworthy of causing the war, and was fined $33 billion. Germany lost Alsace-Lorraine to the French. The separation of Austria-Hungary the making of the League of Nations were totally anticipated results of World War 1. A surprising result of the war was the loss of Germanys directs assets to the Allies (doc. 4). There are numerous makes that drove the event of Wor ld War 2. Getting a methods for presence, the ascent of the soul of patriotism, Germanys endurance, the acquiring of land the expanding of ones countrys domain are only a couple (doc. After World War 1, European nations began to gradually revamp their economies with the assistance of America. On October. 24,1929, the securities exchange in America smashed. At the point when the American economy crumbled, they pulled out the cash that they had put resources into Europe. Furthermore, they put high taxes on European products. Presently that the European nations arent getting any business they place high duties on their own merchandise. Due the American securities exchange crash, all worldwide exchange diminished! Because of the financial unsteadiness of Europe, extremist governments emerged in Italy Germany. Dictatorship is an authoritarian government where the nation is the most significant thing (extraordinary patriotism). A startling result of World War 2 was the supplanting of Nazism Fascism with Democratic governments. Another normal result was simply the foundation of the correct government (doc. 6). The United States the Soviet Union developed as superpowers. Atrocity preliminaries occurred in Germany Japan, for example, the Nuremberg Trials, where 22 Nazis were put being investigated for the barbarities of the Holocaust. Also, there was the occupation reproduction of Germany Japan by the Allies. The United Nations was shaped as a global peacekeeping association. There was a decay of authoritarian states in Western Europe. Sudden results of World War 2 was the freedom of Poland by the Red Cross the decimation of Nazism Fascism (doc. 6). An impact of the war was the arrangement of Israel as a Jewish state. After the war finished, numerous European Jews didnt have anyplace to go since their homes were pulverized. The US and Soviet Union became superpowers, and the virus war started. There are numerous circumstances and end results of the previously mentioned wars. The Crusades didnt achieve a lot of good other than the way that it prompted the Renaissance, which was all because of the social dispersion traded among Europe and the Middle East. After World War 1, war may be essential however it could never be brilliant. World War 2 demonstrated that when rebuffed too cruelly the losing side will return and battle significantly more grounded in light of the fact that their pride was stepped on. There exists political, prudent, and social resons which made these wars happen. There are both positive and negative effects of the Crusades and World Wars.

Exercise Your Editing with This Exercise

Exercise Your Editing with This Exercise Exercise Your Editing with This Exercise Exercise Your Editing with This Exercise By Mark Nichol Altering is as much a workmanship as composing may be. Regardless of whether you’re finessing your own composition or overhauling crafted by another, the procedure requires concurrent consideration regarding various issues: spelling, sentence structure, style, precision, custom, and the emotional part of substance: giving setting, allocating significance and passing on worth, and the sky is the limit from there. At the point when I was a copyediting educator, one of my preferred exercises was making mistake ridden altering practices for my understudies. (Savage, I know yet they got their money’s worth.) Here, I incur one such compositional centralization of disaster of on you for nothing out of pocket. In any case, before you read past the accompanying passage, reorder it and give it your best altering exertion, at that point return and contrast your correction and mine: â€Å"On Jan. twentieth, 1960 then-President John Kennedy conveyed his infamous Ask Not What You Can Do for Your Country Speech. Kennedy propelled not just America’s Space Program that sent men to the moon, however faced Russia when they compromised the free world during the rocket emergency. During his Presidency, Peace Corps was shaped; the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was marked by the Soviets; and the Civil Rights Act was passed. (Be that as it may, he faltered when, in a discourse in Berlin in 1963, he told the Germans, â€Å"Ich container ein Berliner.† He proposed to convey â€Å"I am a Berliner,† yet the manner in which he said it implied, â€Å"I am a jam doughnut.†) Only 42-years of age when chosen, the most youthful president, his inheritance is an under multi year administration contrasted and Camelot.† Here’s my handy solution, trailed by explanations: â€Å"President John F. Kennedy’s debut address on January 20, 1961, is noteworthy for the announcement â€Å"Ask not what your nation can accomplish for you approach what you can accomplish for your country,† and he addressed his own test. During his organization, he not just squeezed for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to accomplish a kept an eye on arriving on the Moon before the finish of the 1960s yet in addition defied the Soviet Union over that country’s plan to introduce atomic weapons in Cuba that would be focused on the United States. Likewise, during Kennedy’s administration, sadly abridged when he was killed on November 22, 1963, the Peace Corps was framed; the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom marked the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; and Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The heritage of Kennedy, just forty-two years of age when he was chosen, is of a concise time of harmony and flourishing; for sure, his organization was contrasted with the wonder of King Arthur’s Camelot.† Note the adjustment of the style of the month and date, and amendment of the year itself. Our thirty-fifth president’s name is John F. Kennedy. On the off chance that I had held â€Å"then-President† before Kennedy’s name, I would exclude the hyphen and lowercase the name of the workplace, which in light of the modifier at that point turns into a designation as opposed to a particular activity title. Since Kennedy’s debut address is prominent for different passages also, I picked, in distinguishing it, to concentrate on the line giving it completely and not on the discourse. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you do allude to a discourse, style the reference as follows: â€Å"his ‘Ask not what you can for your country’ speech.† (Also, famous isn't an adept portrayal for the location.) On the off chance that I were altering somebody else’s work, I would question for the writer’s endorsement of inclusion of â€Å"he addressed his own challenge,† which I think gives a change to what might some way or another be simply a basic food item rundown of achievements. I revised the incorrect â€Å"not just . . . however, also† development. There is no such substance as â€Å"America’s Space Program,† so the last two words ought not have been promoted. (What's more, at whatever point conceivable, utilize the more exact â€Å"United States† instead of America regarding the country.) In this specific situation, moon is the proper name of a galactic component, instead of a conventional word for such a wonder, and ought to in this way be promoted. In spite of the fact that Russia is a casual option to â€Å"the Soviet Union,† it ought to be maintained a strategic distance from in such use. (â€Å"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics† was the official name of the nation during this period, however the two-word adaptation is worthy.) A country is a particular element and ought not be alluded to as â€Å"they.† â€Å"Free world† is abstract and provocative in this in any case impartially composed entry. As a result of the absence of particularity and capitalization, â€Å"the rocket crisis† suggests a past reference to the episode. It ought to be alluded to by its promoted complete name. As composed, the sentence starting â€Å"During his Presidency† (there is no motivation to underwrite administration, coincidentally) requires just commas, not semicolons. I held the last accentuation checks simply because I revised the rundown of accomplishments in an unpredictable structure, with inside commas in the subsequent thing. I additionally modified the uninvolved development to dynamic structure. I embedded the expression about his death to give setting. â€Å"Peace Corps,† like the comparatively built names of most elements, ought to be gone before by the article the. A few countries marked the bargain, and if any are recognized, all ought to be distinguished. The expression â€Å"of 1964† is a piece of the proper name of the demonstration. The â€Å"Ich receptacle ein Berliner† indiscretion is a prevalent misconception; inhabitants of Berlin didn't, and don't, call jam doughnuts â€Å"Berliner.† (Beyond that, regardless of whether the story were valid, the occurrence is minor when contrasted and different features of Kennedy’s administration recorded here, and the entry gives lacking setting.) A person’s age, when not applied as a modifier, ought not be hyphenated (with the exception of connecting ones-spot and tens-place numbers, as in forty-two). Additionally, I like to follow The Chicago Manual of Style in explaining ages. The main expression of the last sentence is a dangling modifier; â€Å"the . . . president† is erroneously distinguished as his own inheritance. â€Å"The most youthful president† is a ponderously shortened contribution. My increasingly broadened incidental is just one of a few prospects. The expression â€Å"less than three year,† as a modifier for administration, ought to be hyphenated; I erased the whole expression since it appeared to divert from the purpose of the section. Likewise, there was inadequate setting for the reference to Camelot. This entry could be altered in the same number of forms as there are editors, and, given further setting, would be additionally improved by extra changes. My exertion takes care of the insufficiencies in the few classifications I recorded in the principal section of this post. Offer in a remark underneath how and why your alters contrast from mine and others. Need to improve your English shortly a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Style classification, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:Inquire versus EnquireHow to Punctuate Descriptions of ColorsA Confirmation isn't a Degree

Friday, August 21, 2020

Monopoly Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Restraining infrastructure - Coursework Example Jesus clarifies the standard of restraining infrastructure power and urges individuals to place all their fortune in paradise should they need to enter the Kingdom of God. Further, in first Timothy, â€Å"For the affection for cash is a foundation of a wide range of malevolence, for which some have wandered from the confidence in their avarice, and penetrated themselves through with numerous sorrows† (The Holy Bible, I timothy 6:10). To be sure cash can purchase power however it is consistently the reason for some issues. The Pharisees were viewed as the incredible profound pioneers among the Jews since they gave understanding on the Laws of Moses and were a connection among individuals and God. The Sadducees were individuals who continually dismissed the laws yet they professed to have consecrated existences (Jewish Virtual Library). Jesus denounces them for deluding the everyday citizens, â€Å"You Pharisees and instructors of the law of Moses are in a tough situation! You’re only hotshots. You lock individuals out of the realm of paradise. You won’t go in yourselves, and you shield others from going in† ( Mathew 23: 13-14). Through this, it is genuine how Pharisees denied individuals from going to paradise since they delighted in imposing business model force. They realized individuals were so subject to them in direction of their otherworldly lives. Restraining infrastructure power, as per the Bible is a common fortune that will deny numerous individuals an opportunity to enter paradise. As indicated by Jesus, a great many people utilized such open doors in collecting material riches as opposed to placing every one of their fortunes in paradise. As an exercise, it is imperative to consider what Jesus said and be on the transition to change, apologize and give the less lucky individuals right and important

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Best Persuasive Speech Outline Template

The Best Persuasive Speech Outline Template Writing an impressive persuasive speech can be much easier than it seems, but you need to have your clear knowledge of the chosen subject to succeed. If you have an efficient persuasive speech template outline, writing a good paper becomes a simple task. Use effective tips to write your strong persuasive speech. This detailed guide will help you impress readers with your solid piece of writing and earn higher grades. Intro To write the best persuasive speech, you need to do the following: Pick an interesting and controversial subject to spawn a heated debate, no matter of your chosen position; Research the chosen subject in detail to find out more about its pros and cons; Understand a perspective of your targeted readers (you need to know how they view your topic to better relate to all of them); Grasp all the obstacles that readers may have with your chosen topic (your thorough understanding of them will help you tackle them effectively); Presenting your efficient strategies for eradicating these obstacles (you should learn how to relieve the tension surrounding them by having a clear plan of action); Put everything together to end up with a strong conclusion that should hook the targeted audience. When writing your persuasive speech, take into account all the above-mentioned steps to succeed. If you fail to do that, you have a high risk of missing something important when completing this academic assignment. For example, if you have no passion or interesting about the chosen topic, your readers won’t be interested in it. You also need to understand your strong and weak sides to balance them accordingly. Use a simple persuasive speech outline template to avoid common academic writing problems. What is persuasive speech outline template? It’s all about a basic written outline created by skilled professionals to help struggling students create their efficient persuasive speech plan. A good outline template for a persuasive speech is quite useful because it provide the information necessary to persuade the audience while helping you ease the entire task. Any persuasive speech is focused on assuring other people that they need to consent that your thought or stance is right. Look for debatable topic ideas and ensure that your stance is confident and clear enough. After choosing a specific side, it’s necessary to stick to your point of view and bring readers to follow your lead. Providing the best solution in this piece of writing is one of the best ways to achieve success. First, any solution presupposes a specific problem, so you need to convince people and demonstrate that it concerns all of them. Be sure to suggest readers that your solution will make a difference. It’s not necessary to consider real-life challenges or problems in their literary sense. For your persuasive speech, you can choose any issue, such as people’s desires and needs. For instance, you can talk about keeping fit and the necessity of maintained houses. The main point of this type of academic writing is to expose the chosen topic as a problem. There’s no other type of speeches that must be written based on a strict structure as much as this one. Its structure consists of the introduction that must grab people’s attention, body paragraphs, and the conclusion that contains a call for action. You shouldn’t waste your time on putting random ideas on paper. The first thing that should be done to get started is creating an efficient plan, and this is when the best persuasive speech outline sample will come in handy. Keep in mind the following factors: Your persuasive speech should contain all the crucial points that reveal your clarity of thought; It must be fully tuned to the targeted readers whom you want to persuade; Its opening should contain a clear description of your stance and the chosen issue; Show your clear reasoning; Provide the audience with reasons, facts, stats, and examples to support your viewpoint; Address all the opposing views clearly and calmly; Use effective writing strategies, such as stories and summaries, to help readers remember your key message; End your persuasive speech with a strong call to action and restate your opinion. Benefits of using persuasive speech outline template Why should you use a helpful sample persuasive speech outline template? There are many benefits that you can obtain this way because templates are quite useful when preparing this piece of writing and addressing the audience. That’s because they usually contain all the necessary information about your topic, which makes them quite handy. They also guarantee a systematic display of data, thus covering all the important notes. Once you decide what you will talk about in your persuasive speech, the first step to take is creating an efficient plan. You need to conduct your research to gather solid evidence in such forms as facts, examples, jokes, stats, and others. Examples can help you do the following: Clarify your chosen stance (determine what the issue on hand is and how you feel about it); Understand your targeted readers (think about who they are, what their opinion is, what they know about the chosen subject, and whether they agree or disagree with your stance); Support your point of view (find the evidence that can back up your opinion, research available information, choose the best proofs to convince readers and clarify your stance); Grab readers’ attention (use surprising stats and facts and ensure that your persuasive speech has a huge impact on them). Templates Any excellent persuasive speech outline template sample is created to help you persuade readers to listen to your agenda. Use them to convey your basic idea and deliver supporting information effectively. It’s easy to find all kinds of templates online, but be sure to use only relevant and updates samples. How to use persuasive speech outline template Creating an outline of your persuasive speech requires specific skills. If you lack some of them, use relevant samples and templates because they are made by experienced specialists to make it easier for students to complete this academic task. How to use them effectively? Follow these basic guidelines to get the most out of available templates when writing your persuasive speech: Describe its agenda; Give enough details about its major points; Connect to the targeted audience; Describe all the adequate measures that should be taken. If you want your persuasive speech to be impressive and strong, it’s necessary to focus on its introductory paragraph and ensure that it’s clear and concise. After reading it, other people will decide if they want to keep reading other sections. You should great all readers before getting started. Use a catchy opening to attract their attention and surprise them with interesting stats and facts. After making readers interested in your persuasive speech, state a specific problem and suggest your effective solution. After writing a great introduction, you need to structure the main body. It contains three or more paragraphs that discuss individual topic ideas. Based on the chosen subject, feel free to add some stories from your life, testimonies, humor, etc. Arrange all paragraphs logically and include smooth transitions between them. Next, you need to write a strong conclusion for your persuasive speech, and this section requires repeating a major point and summing up everything. Paraphrasing is one of the easiest ways to do that, but you can use other effective writing strategies. At the end of this piece of writing, it’s advisable to call your readers for a specific action while sounding confident. Conclusion Why should you use templates when writing your persuasive speech? The main reason is that they offer an effective and easy way to prepare a strong and adequate paper. They contain the information and ideas necessary to guide you through the entire process. Use relevant and updates templates to create your own outline and structure all paragraphs correctly. Read them carefully to get a better idea of common mistakes and how to avoid them. Samples and examples are easily available online and they can inspire you because they contain a number of useful and brilliant ideas for your persuasive speech. Use all available sources to find helpful outline templates. Follow all the above-mentioned guidelines to come up with a great persuasive speech. If you still feel confused and don’t know how to proceed with your academic writing, don’t panic because you have effective solutions. Think about the benefits offered by professional online writing services if you’re struggling with your persuasive speech. Contact our qualified and trained custom paper writers and entrust this academic task to them to relieve your stress and get more time to spend on other important things. The best part is that their high-quality services are affordable, so that you don’t have to spend a fortune on them. Every customer order is completed on time, so there’s no need to worry about urgent deadlines. Your effective persuasive speech writing solution is only a few clicks away.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Freelance Editing Jobs Tips for Freelance Editors

With the invention of the internet and—even more recently—with the acceptance of self-publishing and platforms like Kindle, CreateSpace, Amazon, and others, more and more authors are choosing the DIY approach to publishing. It is no longer necessary to go through a publishing house and a cadre of in-house editors in order to publish a book. And as well as making life easier for authors, this trend has created a demand for people who can provide freelance editing services to those authors and to anyone else looking to forego traditional publishing. If you are wondering whether or not freelance editing is something that you might be able to make a career out of, here are some tips: 1. Proofreaders Correct Spelling and Grammar; Editors Correct Much More Than That. Being a professional editor demands a deeper understanding not only of language and grammar, but also the best way to organize content so that readers will remain engaged throughout. Being an editor can involve researching to verify facts, making sure quotes are properly cited and referenced, writing bibliographies, and fixing formatting. Editors don’t just read and correct writing. Many times they make or suggest changes in organization, layout, and style. 2. Education Isn’t Required but it Can’t Hurt There really are no educational degrees required for you to become a freelance editor, although many editors do have English, Communications, or Journalism degrees. As an editor, you will definitely want to understand and be familiar with the Chicago Manual of Style as well as any other accepted style guides for your subject area or industry, but besides this, you can acquire the skills you need without a degree. 3. A Great Website Can Fuel Your Career If people who need freelance editors cannot find you, then they can’t hire you. Simple as that. Make your presence known. Invest in a well-presented website and make absolutely sure it represents your editing ability. Include testimonials from satisfied clients and provide before and after samples if possible. A top ranking website isn’t as easy to get as it used to be and you may need to invest some dollars in having this done by an expert. 4.Stay Abreast of Industry Trends If you are based in the United States, you will want to join the American Copy Editors Society or the Editorial Freelancers’ Association. In the UK, the Society for Editors and Proofreaders is a great resource and in Australia consider the Institute of Professional Editors Limited. Being involved in these professional associations not only helps you stay on top of changes in your industry, it also is a great way to network with others in your field. Think referrals, referrals, referrals. 5. Get to Know Your Colleagues As with brick and mortar jobs, sometimes the best job openings are filled before they can even be posted or advertised. Writers and publishers find their editors through their circle of colleagues, friends, and business partners. If you want to be thought of when someone has an editing job, then you must be well-known in your industry. Get out into the content world not just with your website but by attending live conferences and participating in live webinars. 6. Position Yourself as an Expert on Social Media Social media is exploding right now and it can sometimes be difficult to know where to focus your efforts. Most experts recommend that you focus on building a presence and staying active on two to three social media platforms. Not many people realize it, but Twitter is expected to decline in numbers of users so choose wisely. The power platforms that I recommend for editors are Facebook and LinkedIn. Both of these provide an opportunity to not only create a presence but to join and interact casually with others across multiple industries. There are also great opportunities to position yourself as an expert on Quora, Yahoo Answers, and Reddit through their â€Å"QA† forums. Answer questions for writers about how to approach editors, what editors look for, editor pet peeves, etc. Marketing is about relationships. People hire experts they trust. Be seen as an expert and be trustworthy, and when your audience needs an editor they will think of you over an unknown. 7. Don’t Discount Third Party Freelance Platforms I know some more experienced editors are cringing as they read this tip but it’s a perfectly viable option for anyone who is new to the freelance editing world. If you need to gain experience or are having trouble finding clients, then consider third-party freelance sites such as UpWork, Freelancer, Guru, Fiverr, or People per Hour. There are hundreds of editing jobs posted on these sites daily and it’s a good way to gain editing experience that you can use to get better gigs later on. You will pay a commission fee of up to 20% to the third party platform so keep that in mind and plan for it when you negotiate your rates. Many third-party platforms may have a â€Å"non-compete† clause which prevents you from working with a client you located through their platform for a designated period of time without the client paying a buy-out fee. It’s easier and faster to find work through these third-party sites, but it can be restrictive if your business takes off and you want to ditch the middle man after a year. 8. Volunteer Your Editing Services If you are really struggling with getting clients to give you a chance because you just have zero professional editing experience, then consider volunteering your services so you can gain valuable experience and testimonials. Approach local businesses and offer to edit their written content in exchange for their testimonial. You can send a note off to websites that you visit regularly, pointing out a mistake you noticed and offering to give them a complementary edit of 200 to 500 words. 9. Curiosity Doesn’t Kill the Editor Although the popular saying is â€Å"curiosity killed the cat†, this is not the case for those who want to try their hand at a freelance editing career. The more experience and knowledge you have in different subjects and the more curious you are about how things work, why they work, and when they don’t work, the better you will be able to edit your client’s work. Really good freelance editors work more like a partner with their clients and therefore, the more you know about different topics, the better and more accurate edits you can make for your client. This is actually a great time to consider a freelance editing career. The demand is out there. The number of professional editors with experience, not already working full-time for in-house publishers, is limited. So if you are intrigued by this field and think it might be for you, get out there and start gaining experience and building your professional presence. And remember, potential customers are everywhere, so always put your best foot forward, whether you are in an editing role or not at the time.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Beowulf Society - 1744 Words

Beowulf Society The earliest known manuscript of Beowulf is thought to have been written in the tenth century, however, the poem had most likely been told as an oral tradition for centuries before that. In fact, the poems events date back to the sixth century. However, because there is only one manuscript of Beowulf still in tact very little is known about the poem or its author. The poem does, however, give us great insight into the culture of the people who composed and told this epic tale. Because the poem was performed orally mainly between the eighth and tenth centuries, but dealt with subject matter of centuries earlier, it is difficult to decipher and separate the cultural context involved in the poem from one century to the next.†¦show more content†¦He is nearly beaten by the monsters mother until he wields the famous old sword of the giants which had magical power to save him. While he is not as heroic in his second battle, Beowulf still displays many of the virtue s essential for heroism and even survival. He was required to use ingenuity rather than strength in his battle and was required to go through an extremely difficult process in order to get to the monsters lair, almost like an initiation. However, he came out of the whole ordeal wiser and greatly rewarded. This first two battles also, surprisingly, represented what may have been an influence of Christian values on the culture. While the Christianity is not quite the same as we would expect in a more modern setting, it was just beginning to gain some influence in Europe at the time of this story. This was a period of a conversion of the paganistic beliefs into something that more closely resembled Christianity. Many of the principles and ideals of the two were combined to create a more familiar understanding view of Christianity for the predominantly pagan population. The Christianity in the story is more closely tied in with Moses Old Testament teachings of revenge and equality than Christs teachings of peace, love and forgiveness. Grendels mother attempts to avenge the death of her son while at the same time Beowulf isShow MoreRelated Beowulf Society Essay1717 Words   |  7 Pages Beowulf Society The earliest known manuscript of Beowulf is thought to have been written in the tenth century, however, the poem had most likely been told as an oral tradition for centuries before that. In fact, the poem’s events date back to the sixth century. However, because there is only one manuscript of Beowulf still in tact very little is known about the poem or its author. The poem does, however, give us great insight into the culture of the people who composed and told this epic tale.Read More Epic Poem, Beowulf - Women in Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon Society971 Words   |  4 PagesWomen in Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon Society       Beowulf, one of the most translated and reproduced epics of all time, is literature that concerns characters. While Beowulf himself is the obvious hero of this Anglo-Saxon epic, many companions and fellow travelers are mentioned throughout the text. Some of these secondary characters are almost as noble and courageous as Beowulf himself, while others are lowly cowards. Be what they may, all are captured in this timeless tale of adventure. Women,Read MoreBeowulf : Portrait Of Anglo Saxon Society Essay2057 Words   |  9 Pages Beowulf: Portrait of Anglo-Saxon Society The Middle Ages in England began with the withdrawal of the Romans and the arrival of various Germanic tribes (the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes), during the mid-fifth century. These tribes, which became known as the Anglo-Saxons, were composed of people from North Germany, Denmark and northern Holland, and took control of most of Britain, except for lands such as Scotland, Wales or Cornwall (Hindley 23). They brought with them the tradition of oralRead MoreThe Values of a Warrior Society as Seen in Beowulf Essay551 Words   |  3 PagesValues of a Warrior Society As Seen in Beowulf When Nelson Mandela, the president of South Africa died, thousands of people gathered to say their goodbyes. It was not a happy and joyous occasion but rather one where people were mourning of the loss of a great man. They may not have personal known him but they know of the great things that he has done to make the world a better place. To them, it is what made his death difficult and sad. However, if we lived in a warrior society his death would notRead MoreEssay On Shakespeare s Beowulf And Anglo Saxon Society944 Words   |  4 PagesRole of Women in Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon Society Beowulf, the hero of Anglo-Saxon epic, had many adventures, and many companions and fellow-warriors are mentioned throughout his story. Some of them seem noble and courageous, truly living up to the standards of their culture; some seem cowardly. But all have gained immortality in the words, many times transcribed and translated, of the famous epic. However, the women of the time are rarely mentioned in Beowulf. Still, even from those few womenRead More Role of Women in the Epic of Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon Society932 Words   |  4 PagesRole of Women in Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon Society  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Beowulf, the hero of Anglo-Saxon epic, had many adventures, and many companions and fellow-warriors are mentioned throughout his story. Some of them seem noble and courageous, truly living up to the standards of their culture; some seem cowardly. But all have gained immortality in the words, many times transcribed and translated, of the famous epic. However, the women of the time are rarely mentioned in Beowulf. Still, even from those fewRead MoreThe Role Of Government In Beowulf And King Arthurs Society1629 Words   |  7 Pages Although the role of the government found in Beowulf and in King Arthurs societies had basically the same functions (to protect the people from invasion and provide safety and order within the community), each government was set up with some drastically different ideologies. The ideologies that perhaps governed the formation of each government were defined easily by the time periods in which each work was written. Both governments describe leaders (Kings) who are honorable and kind to their peopleRead MoreViolence and Societal Change in Beowulf Essay1305 Words   |  6 Pagesbuilding block of society. A tool even; it helps shape and evolve society. For example, the Napoleonic Wars are described on the Canadian Encyclopedia website as having â€Å"greatly stimulated the export economy of the Canadas (Upper and Lower) and the Maritimes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and that the result (of the wars) was responsible for the â€Å"development of the Canadian forest industry...† Violence (conflict) is necessary to producing social change and an improved society. The theme of violence in Beowulf is portrayed by theRead MoreAnalysis Of Grendel And The Novel The Land Of Stories 1051 Words   |  5 Pagescreated by the anglo-saxon society is removed the main antagonist in the classic Beowulf, Grendel, is revealed to be a tortured beast who is targeted by a religion crazed society. As stated by Chris Colfer in his novel The Land of Stories: The W ishing Spell â€Å"A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told,† yet for many this lesson falls on deaf ears (9). For many Grendel is a thing of nightmares, a beast straight from hell that no villain can match. But when the society that villainizes GrendelRead MoreCulture And Values : The Epic Of Beowulf And Beowulf1260 Words   |  6 PagesAnalyzation of the Beowulf Epic and the Beowulf and Grendel Film The epic tale of Beowulf was written sometime after his death. In other words, a long time ago during the Anglo-Saxon period. Today, directors in Hollywood did not keep from creating their own rendition of this epic poem As a result, plenty of modern interpretations of Beowulf, such as Sturla Gunnarsson’s Beowulf and Grendel, have been released. Naturally, the cultural values that might be reflected in modern Beowulf renditions will